It had been 32 years since the murder of Evelina Aguilar, and in all that time the case had been in a frozen state of investigation. But when Jonathan, a young detective, took up the case again, he sensed that the case of Evelina’s death had much deeper roots than it seemed at first glance. He was determined to unravel all the mysteries of this enigmatic crime, for no murder leaves such a mark on him as this one.
Jonathan realized at once that the case would not be a simple one. He was sitting in his office, scrutinizing old materials, when his gaze lingered on an inconspicuous piece of paper in the archives. It was obvious that this case had not progressed for years. All the evidence at the crime scene had either disappeared or been destroyed. There were no witnesses, and Evelina’s death was enveloped in a fog of uncertainty. The only strange aspect was that her murder had been committed with incredible brutality – stab wounds on her body, deep cuts, as if the killer had tried to find something in her body, to rip something important out of her. But what? Jonathan couldn’t figure it out.
Nevertheless, with the advancement of technology, he decided to try new methods of investigation. One of those methods was DNA analysis. During the examination, he found not only traces of Evelina, but also unknown biomaterials that led to a surprising discovery. It was not a simple murder, as it seems at first glance. The whole story was connected to an ancient cult that almost no one knew about, but that once thrived in the region.
As it turned out, in the past, there had been a small religious community hidden away near the city. The community was known for its unusual rituals that included elements of dark magic. This cult believed in the possibility of awakening unknown forces that could change the course of human history. But despite the dark side of this group, it continued to exist in secret, and its activities did not become known until years later. Jonathan was shocked when he discovered that this cult was directly connected to Evelina’s murder.
He began searching for information about who might have been involved in the cult. After a few weeks of investigation, he found a connection to an elderly man named William Wright, an old man who had witnessed the events in the area several years ago. There were dark spots in his life and he was hiding his true identity. Wright was one of the members of this cult and knew of a ritual that involved sacrifice to open an ancient gate. Killing Evelina was part of it – the sacrifice they had to make to open the gate to the world of otherworldly beings.
Jonathan turned to Wright to learn more. Meeting him at his house on the outskirts of town, the detective felt a coldness emanating from the place. The house was old and abandoned, the walls were cracked and the windows were draped with dark curtains hiding everything that went on inside. Wright greeted Jonathan with a strange smile, as if he had a premonition that this day would come. His eyes were full of pain and fear, as if he was possessed by some unseen evil.
“You want to know what happened to Evelina?” – his voice was low, almost a whisper. “You’re not ready to know the truth, Jonathan. This isn’t just murder. This is the beginning of the end.”
Jonathan asked about the cult and what Wright knew about the ritual. The old man revealed something to him that stunned the detective. Once inside the cult, he had witnessed terrifying rituals that utilized dark forces to manipulate people’s minds. These forces had to do with opening gates to another world – a world where evil and darkness ruled over all beings. There were ancient books that described these rituals, and each member of the cult was required to make a sacrifice so that the gate could open.
“This was no accident,” Wright continued. “Evelina was chosen. She was a necessary part of the ritual to complete our plan. And she wasn’t the only one. We have others.” His words sounded like a sentence. Jonathan felt the air thicken around him. The room was suddenly cold, and the shadows seemed to grow deeper and blacker. He tried to figure out exactly what was going on, but his mind was clouded.
With each step of investigation, Jonathan became more and more consumed by this horrible world that was opening up before him. He began to feel that he was being stalked. Strange occurrences began to happen to him. Shadows in the streets became ominous, whispers came from dark corners. He saw people who weren’t there and heard sounds coming from empty houses. Even in his own home, inexplicable events began to happen: doors creaked and reflections appeared in mirrors that disappeared as soon as he tried to look at them.
But the strangest events happened at night, when Jonathan went home. He felt a chill run down to his bones and noticed his shadow on the walls begin to move on its own, distorting as if it were not his own. When he turned to look at the dark corner of the room, he saw a familiar face – Evelina. She stood in the corner, her eyes as blank as black slits in the darkness.
“You realized too late, Jonathan,” she whispered.
That moment was the decisive moment. Jonathan realized that what had started with Evelina’s murder had become something more. He wasn’t just a detective, but part of a game that dark forces had started, and his life could no longer return to normal. The gates were open and evil had already begun to seep into this world.